Magnolia's Birth Story
Magnolia’s Birth story
First family picture! Tucked into bed just hours old!
Nic and I have a long list of reasons why we chose a home birth and why we highly recommend it.
Those reasons will remain private, but the thing that gave us unrelenting confidence in our decision for a home birth was finding a midwife we trusted.
Jaime was above and beyond from early in the pregnancy through lactation consulting afterwards.
It was important to both Nic and me that our pregnancy remained drug-free, and Jaime's nutritional wisdom gave us that.
The quality of care we received from Jaime exceeded every expectation. I couldn't believe how available she was -- we didn't have to schedule an appointment for every question or concern; We weren't ever sent to a stranger or a nurse like I have been several times when dealing with ob/gyns. It was always Jaime on the other end of the phone.
Over the months of pregnancy, Jaime gained our trust. She answered every question, quelled every fear, and encouraged us with every doubt. We wanted our unmedicated home birth, but we knew that we would do whatever Jaime asked of us because she wanted us to have our dream birth too.
And we got it.
The day labor felt intense, we called Jaime to tell her how long I had been having contractions and that they weren't getting closer together, but I was losing steam. Sweet, soft-spoken Jaime showed up in full tactical gear like she meant business. And we got such a kick out of it, but it was incredibly reassuring. She helped kickstart labor by using her knowledge of herbs and tinctures and natural oxytocin-inducing methods before leaving us with instructions to call her when contractions were about 4 minutes apart. She looked me in the eye and held my hands and told me that I needed to let go of the fear of going into labor because that could stall it.
We had Jaime back at our place in a little over an hour, I'm told. Time was weird. I had been puking everything I tried to consume - from herbal bone broth to water to berries. Nic had been filling the birthing tub so Jaime told me it was okay to soak in it when she had arrived. She quickly noticed my dehydration and very beautifully found a vein with the catheter so she could get IV fluids in me.
I remember I could hardly open my eyes before she arrived, which the hydration helped. Jaime and Blythe, the student midwife accompanying her, continually monitored baby and me throughout labor. But they met me where I was at with how I wanted to endure labor; they met me with compassion and grace. They never asked me to accommodate them.
It was 33 hours of the most intense lower back pain I've ever known and Nic applying counterpressure with each contraction. Thankfully the birthing tub made the pain manageable...for me. Nic spent about 9 hours hunched over the tub, which would make me laugh if he weren't the most supportive man in the world.
It must have happened during or just before transition, but I felt fear and panic and I didn't know how I was going to survive this. Jaime looked me in the eye and told me, "You're safe." I will always remember that moment.
That moment pulled me back, grounded me, and gave me the strength, hope, and joy I needed to birth our baby.
I was safe.
Jaime asked me to get out of the tub because baby girl was on her way and the tub was no longer serving us. "I trust you, Jaime, but please don't make me do that," I pleaded as I was already accepting that she wouldn't have advised it if it weren't important.
I birthed Maggie in the bed I share with Nic and his hands were the first our girl has ever known. I'm in awe of that to this day, 3 months later.
Maggie was quickly brought to my chest and Jaime got her latched within seconds of her birth. Jaime and Blythe ran all the tests while I got to hold my baby girl.
There was a problem birthing the placenta, but I only remember pieces. I remember the herbs Blythe gave me to manage potential hemorrhaging. I remember how badly it hurt and I just wanted it to be over. I remember how calm and sweet and patient Jaime was caring for both baby and me after the birth. I remember having to move and being checked. I remember the dirty look Maggie shot at Jaime when her tests were being run...and all the laughter that followed.
It might have been calm and routine...or it might have been chaotic and scary. I have no idea because Jaime handled everything. And I just got to adore my family from my own bed.
She cared for us for months leading up to birth, the birth, after the birth, with lactation, and with any concerns we have to this day.
Jaime was a midwife, a doula and a friend all at once.
And, even though I just knew labor and delivery would kill me, I look back on it as my fondest memory. Nic and I did it. And Jaime let Nic and me do it. And she kept us healthy and safe along the way.
I wish every family could look back on their births as fondly as I do ours.